2020: Another Year in the Books

Hi friends! I can’t believe I’m already writing any kind of “recap” post about 2020, but here we are. This year has seemed to both fly by and take its sweet time ending. One thing I’m very thankful for this year was the time to discover new hobbies and reconnect with old ones. One old hobby I resurrected was reading. In middle school, I was a huge reader. I never completely lost touch with books, but I definitely found myself reading a lot less while in high school. (Reading purely for fun, that is; we had plenty assignments to read for school.) This year I read quite few books that I really enjoyed and I wanted to share my thoughts on them with you all. I tried to rank these books, but found that I was way too indecisive to do that, so here they are in no specific order 🙂


Author: Madeline Miller

Synopsis: This book is a retelling of the story of the witch Circe from Greek mythology. Circe is the daughter of a God and a Nymph, and is shunned by her divine family for being weak. When she is found out as a witch, she is exiled to an island to be alone for eternity. This story follows her life on the island as she grows stronger and learns to live for herself.

My Take: I love, love, love this book. I am a sucker for Greek mythology, and this book was no exception. This story wrapped me up and I was totally captivated by Circe’s experiences the whole time. It’s a beautiful telling of feminine strength, romance, heartbreak, and witchcraft. I recommended this book to everyone after I finished it, and I have a feeling it’ll be a re-read in the near future.


Author: Gillian Flynn

Synopsis: This novel follows Camille Preaker, a troubled newspaper journalist who has to face the daunting assignment of returning to her hometown to report on the disturbing murders taking place. Camille has to face both her past trauma as well as the twists and turns of the case she has to report.

My Take: This book was a super interesting read! I love scary books, whether they’re supernatural, or more realistic like this one. This was definitely a page-turner for me, it’s pretty fast-paced book and left me guessing after almost every chapter. There are several points in the story where you think you have everything figured out, and then it throws you for another loop. If you’re a fan of thrillers and mysteries, I definitely recommend this one!

The Handmaid’s Tale

Author: Margaret Atwood

Synopsis: This novel, set in a totalitarian, patriarchal society known as Gilead, tells the story of women known as “handmaids” who are forced to act as surrogates for the elite couples of the society who have trouble conceiving.

My Take: This book was so good. Dystopian fiction is another of my favorite genres, and this novel is a classic for a reason. I think its a must-read for anyone. It made me angry and a little scared because of how realistic and raw it is, which makes it all the more important of a read. My heart absolutely broke for the main character and all the other women in her place. If you love stories with a message, this one is for you!


Author: Multiple Authors

Synopsis: This is a collection of short horror stories that are inspired by well known and loved books and movies (and sometimes even songs).

My Take: As I mentioned before, I’m a huge fan of scary stories, so I was really excited when I happened upon this collection. It was a fun read, and a good way to shake it up instead of reading another full-length novel. I really enjoyed getting to the end of each story and getting to find out what the influence was. Some of the stories were less exciting than others, but most of them offered some pretty fun and spooky reads!


Author: Madeline Miller

Synopsis: This book tells the long, tragic love story of the famed hero Achilles and his trusted, lifelong companion Patroclus.

My Take: O. M. G. I cannot praise this book enough. I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I finished it, and that was two months ago. It’s absolutely my Top Read of 2020. This is the most beautiful love story I have ever read, and I am in no way exaggerating when I say this book broke my heart. I cried for a good two hours after I read the ending. This book is so beautifully written, and offers some of the most heart-wrenching love quotes I’ve ever read. Seriously, if you don’t hear anything else I say in this post, hear this: READ THIS BOOK!


Author: Julie Berry

Synopsis: The story of two couples and how they intertwine over the course of World Wars I and II, told by Aphrodite as she defends the power of her work to other divine entities.

My Take: Yet another mythology book, I know. 🙂 This one is told in a much different style from Madeline Miller’s novels, so it felt very new and different to me. This is another stunning love story, with some very real and passionate characters that help make the book so very intriguing. This isn’t a short book by any means, but I finished it in a matter of days because I just couldn’t keep away from the story. The relationships are both heartbreaking and inspiring, and I love seeing it through the eyes of the goddess Aphrodite as she weaves these couples together. Definitely a perfect book to conclude my 2020 reading.

Well, that wraps up all my 2020 reads! I read some books this year that will for sure be on my favorites list for a long time to come. If any of you decide to give any of the books on this list a try, definitely let me know what you think! Thank you all for reading, and always make sure to let me know what you’d like to see on the blog in the future! 🙂

Stay Sweet, Sophia ❤


  1. Nice Sophia, so glad you’re my grandchild.  Have you read Guy Gavriel Kay, I think I’ve read all of his books. Jessica should have some I gave her, or she may have tossed them.  Love, PoppaJohn Sent from my Galaxy


  2. Gonna put some of these on my list. One of my all time faves is “Where the Crawdads Sing.” Also, “Night in Havana.” I think that’s the title. Both on Reese’s Book Club list.


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